kjell sørensen 2.August 2004. Lagodal Nordland
Heinkelen på bildet stammer mest sansynlig fra dette havariet i Lagodal. Foto via Tore Eggan
Second visit 26.8 2005. Bad weather and still too much snow
Third visit 29.7 2006 Finally found the main crash site.
Manufacturer plate found on one of the propellers. Baugruppe 9 11061.30 Werk Nr 28859
Lagodal 29.07 2006 ©kjell sørensen/morten moe

Heinkel He 111 H-5 Lagodal, Narvik Nordland

2./Kampfgruppe 100 6N+CK WNr.3452 28.05 1940

The Heinkel bomber was shot down by AA fire, and crashed in Lago valley at Kongsbakktind. Two of the four man crew died in the crash. The other two were wounded and became POWs. Crew: Fw.Kurt Eberts (KIA). Uffz.Georg Ring (Wounded). Gefr.Otto Mädl (KIA). Uffz.Wilhelm Korte (Wounded).

Copyright Lawrence J. Hickey via EOE Archive.
© flemming melin christiansen