24.April 2004© kjell sørensen
Crash site down here
23.April 2006 ©kjell sørensen
On top of Tønsåsen there is the remains of an old fortress. Tønsaasen Batteri was ready 1901
©kjell sørensen

Heinkel He 111H-2 Tønsåsen, Lånke

Aufklärungsstaffel 1.(F)AGr 120 A6+ZH WNr.2707* 24.05 1940

The Heinkel bomber crashed shortly after take off from the north-south runway at Værnes. Flames were observed from the port engine as it passed Hellesberget. The A/C crashed into a bog at Tønsåsen. The bomb load went deep into the bog and luckily did not explode. The crew of five all died in crash. Pilot Feldw.Georg Bergmann. Uffz.Herbert Deichert. Regierungsrat Dr.Helmut Heinze. Feldw.Fritz Hoch. Leutnant Hans Weichert. All rest at Havstein Cemetery.

*On a hatch found from this He 111 H-2, the following is stamped: WNRW 2707 L. With some luck, this might be the A/C's werkenummer.
Flyet styrtet ned i et sumpområde bak småbruket Sandly. Tyskerne kom snart til og sperret av området.Bombelasten og de omkomne ble fraktet vekk.
The funeral was held at Stavne Cemetery. They were later moved to Havstein.
©ernst knutson
1. October 2008 © kjell sørensen
October 2008
A kindergarten is being built above the crash site. Nothing is left of the aircraft here to day